S2S invoice
This API is available only by separate agreement
Calling Payment API
The V4 interface is used in a server-to-server type fashion. The web store transfers the payment data directly as an HTTP POST -request. The web store can choose which http client product to use for this.
TEST: http://test1.maksuturva.fi/NewChargeWithTokenActionExtended.pmt
PRODUCTION: https://payments.maksuturva.fi/NewChargeWithTokenActionExtended.pmt
The general instructions for the payment interface are here.
Please note that all mandatory parameters in the generic V4 payment API are also mandatory in S2S invoice.
In the request, the version information and pre-selected payment method should have the following values in the interface information:
=< the Finnish personal ID of buyer/invoice recipient >
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Example of an OK response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Example of an error response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<error name="pmt_userlocale" type="field">pmt_userlocale is invalid</error>
Possible result codes (pmt_resultcode
) are:
00 = success
99 = fail
Error codes (pmt_errorcode
) for a charge made with a token or for a status query:
ALREADY_PAID = Order has already been paid
ERROR = Unknown error
ERROR_IN_PAYMENT = Error in processing of payment
ERROR_IN_REQUEST_PAYER_DATA = Error(s) in information that can be edited by buyer
ERROR_IN_REQUEST_TECHNICAL_DATA = Error(s) in the technical data of the payment
ERROR_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED= The limit for the given payment instrument is exceeded
ERROR_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND = The given payment instrument can not be found
ERROR_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE = The payment method chosen in the web store was not allowed
EXTERNAL_SERVICE_DENIED = The chosen payment service denied the transaction
EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR = The chosen payment service gave an error response
WAITING = Waiting for information on possible payment
Example scenarios and responses
When credit can not be approved:
Buyer’s social security number (pmt_token
) is missing or null:
Buyer’s social security number (pmt_token
) is erroneous:
Buyer’s email address is missing:
Buyer’s email address is erroneous:
Buyer’s address is missing:
Delivery address is missing:
Buyer’s postal code is missing or erroneous:
Delivery postal code is missing or erroneous:
Status query for Invoice payment
Version 0005 of Svea Payments’ Status Query interface can be used for the status query of tokenized payments or recurring payments made with tokens. General instructions can be found in here.
TEST: https://test1.maksuturva.fi/PaymentStatusQuery.pmt
PRODUCTION: https://payments.maksuturva.fi/PaymentStatusQuery.pmt
Here is an example of a situation, where tokenization and payment has been performed, settlement of the transaction has been made to the web store and lastly, a status query has been done:
This API can be tested in Svea Payments customer test environment (http://test1.maksuturva.fi) with individual test credentials.
Please see TESTING for instructions on the authentication of payments made in test environment.
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Svea Payments Oy
+358 9 4241 7050 (weekdays 8:00 - 16:00)