Management of payment transactions

This documentation is deprecated and only available for supporting old/legacy integrations using for example hashes.

New documentation can be found here: Home

Management of payment transactions

The Account Transactions page that opens up after logging in contains pending transactions and the ability to seek either individual transactions or browse transactions.



Management of pending transactions

Transactions in progress is a summary of all the transactions that require actions from you (shipment data missing and cancellations by buyers) and that have not yet been settled. The statuses of transactions serve as links to transactions.

Missing tracking code

Buyers have paid for these transactions but they have not yet been given shipping data. Related shipping data must be added to every transaction so that Svea Payments can track the progress of a shipment and finally settle the payments to the web store. See adding shipping information in section Adding shipping data.

Cancelled by payer

These are transactions for which the buyers have taken advantage of Svea Payments' Buyer’s Assistant service, i.e. they have made a reclamation, want to negotiate a price reduction, made a partial return or have cancelled an entire order through the Buyer’s Assistant. Open an event to get more information of the buyer’s actions. In order to refund payments to buyers who have cancelled a purchase or made a partial return, you must accept the cancellation or partial return. If the order being cancelled involves the return of a product, do not make the cancellation until you have received the return from the buyer. Read more from section: Making changes, buyer initiates.


Applies only to unpaid account transfer transactions. Not in use.

Being delivered / unsettled

Payment has already been made for these transactions and shipping data have been added to them but the payment has not been settled yet.



Searching for transactions

Search for individual transactions by name of payer, order number, payment ID or reference number.

You can search for transactions based on payment method. If card payments are used, you can use this to easily search for unverified card transactions for review. More information on card payments and risk management tools is available in section: Risk management of card payments.

You can also search for transactions with time period and transaction status. When using time period to search, you can select whether to direct the search to generation time or to the date and time of a status. Generation time refers to the point in time when a transaction is generated. Time of status refers to point in time when the transaction has entered its current status.

For example:

Search for all transactions over the time period 1 April – 30 April 2015:
If generation date is selected, all transactions generated in April come to the report. In this case it’s possible the crediting does not occur until May.
If status date is selected, transactions that have entered the searched status (for example ”credited” during April come to the report. In this case there may be transactions that have been generated as early as March.



Transaction list

After searching for transactions with certain criteria or clicked on the status link of pending transactions, you get a list of transactions according to the search criteria.

The transaction list can be generated (in CSV format) directly into excel by clicking on the Save search results as CSV file – link at the end of the list. Click on the ID / order number / reference numbers of the relevant transaction to review and process individual transactions on the list.



Individual payment transaction

On the Transaction Information screen you review the data of an individual transaction, process the cancellation / price correction / partial return if necessary and add and update the shipment data of the transaction.

Registered shipment

If an order is shipped via registered shipment (packages, registered / insured letters, cargo), add the related shipment identification to the transaction. The shipment identification is an ID number or bill of lading number known by the shipping company and used for tracking the shipment.

To start adding shipment ID’s, start by selecting the shipping company that delivers the shipment. After this, enter the shipment ID number you receive from the shipping company and press the Save button. If there is more than one shipping ID connected to the shipment of the transaction, do not select “Yes” in the selection item “All delivery infomation has been entered?” until giving the last shipment ID number.

Only after this confirmation will Svea Payments begin to track a registered shipment or begin a delivery method-specific review period (letters, pickup, own delivery).
You can edit or remove shipping ID numbers or edit or remove them as long as the transaction is still in progress (it has not been settled or cancelled). Possible statuses of a delivery are:

  • Created

  • Being delivered

  • Waiting for pick up or being delivered to door

  • Delivered (buyer has received the delivery)

Unregistered letter, pickup or own delivery

If an order is shipped as an unregistered delivery (normal letter, maxi letter) do not give a confirmation of this to Svea Payments until you have placed all letters connected to the order in the shipment. If the order is picked up from a pickup station of the web store or delivered to the buyer by the web store’s own transport, do not give this confirmation until the buyer has received his or her order.
Make a confirmation of the delivery method by selecting the delivery method (Unregistered letter, pickup or web store’s own delivery) from the pull-down menu and pressing the save button.

Making changes, web store initiates

On the Transaction Information form you can begin the cancellation / return of a transaction entirely (“Cancellation”) or partly (“Partial refund and return of deliveries”) or give the buyer an extra discount (“Partial refund”).

When making a money refund for an order, always try to make the return first in KauppiasExtranet. Make the return directly to customer only when it is not possible through KauppiasExtranet.

Credit card payment rules allow money refunds only to the credit card used to make the purchase. Invoicing management of invoicing and part payment requires that changes and returns made to orders be made in the services of Svea Payments' KauppiasExtranet or Buyer’s Assistant or in accordance with instructions given in them.

After clicking on one of the buttons above, you will come to the form Cancel Information.

For every change event (a "cancellation”), a reason must be selected and a more detailed explanation given to the buyer.

Cancellation of entire order

Cancellation of an order means cancellation of all products. Select the reason, provide an explanation and click “Cancel" on the form.

An email explaining the changes made is automatically sent to the buyer. The sum paid by the customer is refunded at midnight in its entirety. If necessary the system asks the buyer for the bank account number to which the refund is deposited.

Return of products and additional changes

The web store can use the return form to select what products of an order are returned and if necessary, add change rows instead of price to increase or decrease the total sum to be refunded. Change rows can be used to give a customer an extra discount to compensate for trouble or disappointment experienced by a customer, but they also to adjust to final sum if, for instance, the original order contained discounts whose conditions are not satisfied.

Also if the buyer has already returned the products or the ordered products have been returned to the web store from the shipping company unclaimed, the web store can subtract the returning costs or reduction in value of used products from the sum to be refunded within the framework of the Consumer Protection Act.

Use the form to provide the reason and an explanation for the cancellation, and mark the number of items to be returned / cancelled for every product row, enter the needed additional changes and click on “Make partial refund". An email is automatically sent to the buyer explaining the changes made. The sum to be refunded is refunded to the buyer at midnight. If necessary the system asks the buyer for the bank account number to which the refund is deposited.


It is possible to decrease the final sum of an order without product returns by using partial refund. An equivalent change can also be made using the return form by adding change rows to the order. Use the form to select a reason for the cancellation, give the monetary amount to be refunded, and an explanation for the cancellation, and click on “Make partial refund”. An email is automatically sent to the buyer explaining the changes made. The sum to be refunded is refunded to the buyer at midnight. If necessary the system asks the buyer for the bank account number to which the refund is deposited.

Making changes, buyer initiates

After receiving a delivery, the buyer can use the Buyer’s Assistant (read more: Buyer’s Assistant) to notify that he or she will return the entire order or a part of it, but can also cancel the order or part of it in a similar manner even before he or she has even received the order. Similarly the buyer can, in problem situations, suggest a reduction in the final sum of the order or just make a reclamation if he or she feels there has been something objectionable in the delivery. In this kind of situation, the settlement of the the sum of the order in question to the web store shall be suspended.

Payments of an order are settled to the web store after the web store has confirmed the product returns of a buyer and the sums to be returned to the buyer; or, in the case of a reclamation, agreed with the buyer that he or she will withdraw his or her reclamation and release the payments of the order for settlement. As a solution for a justified reclamation, the seller can also suggest product returns or price reductions to the buyer. In this case the suggestion for changes shall be made immediately after withdrawal of the reclamation – no later than during the same day.

After a buyer has made a notification of canceling / returning an order, a suggestion for correcting the price or made a reclamation, Svea Payments shall send a confirmation of the matter by email to the web store and buyer. The easiest way to access cancellations and reclamations of buyers is through the In progress – summary table of the Transactions page.

Click on the Cancelled by payerlink, which lists all of the orders with pending cancellations, returns, suggested price reductions or reclamations initiated by the buyer. After the changes made by the buyer have been processed and payments settled to the parties, they are removed from the list of orders in progress.

If a web store has already notified the delivery service (in KauppiasExtranet or using the interface of the delivery information management) of an order, the issue is highlighted in the Transaction status column. You can review and process the data of an individual transaction and the data of changes presented therein from the list by clicking on the ID number / order number / reference number of the transaction in question.

In Buyer’s Assistant the buyer has been able to write the date on which he or she sent the product(s) that he or she is returning back to the web store, if desired, and also notify if he or she has used the products, and this information is shown on the upper edge of the transaction data. The web store can utilise the buyer’s notification regarding usage of the product when deciding whether the usage has reduced the value of the product. Both notifications are optional for the buyer.

NOTE! Do not process a cancellation until you have got back any product returns related to the transaction.

You can process the data of a cancellation, refund and partial return initiated by a buyer by clicking “handle partial refund and return of deliveries”.

When processing a buyer’s proposal for a change, you see the data of the order and the changes proposed for it. If necessary, you can use change rows to give a customer additional discounts or charge for the reduction in value caused by usage of products or returning costs. Add the reason for cancellation and an informal explanation. Accept the cancellation suggestion made by the buyer by pressing the "Approve partial refund and return of deliveries" button, after which Svea Payments informs the buyer of the action by email and refunds the payment to the buyer.

NOTE! Do not process a cancellation until you have got back any product returns related to the transaction.

Review of reclamation made by buyer

A reclamation made by a buyer is also shown in KauppiasExtranet in the status of cancelled by buyer. No actions can be taken for reclamations through KauppiasExtranet, and you can only review the content of a reclamation. A reclamation can be removed only by a buyer after the reason related to the reclamation has been clarified. NOTE! While a reclamation is underway, Svea Payments will not settle a payment forward.

Making changes: invoice, B2B invoice and part payment

If a web store is using invoice, B2B invoice or part payment, cancellations are made in KauppiasExtranet or Payment Admin, depending on the service type.

If the payment can not be cancelled in KauppiasExtranet, instructions and codes for managing the transaction in the Payment Admin service are located at the end of the Transaction Information page.


Related content

This documentation is deprecated and only available for supporting old/legacy integrations using for example hashes.

New documentation can be found here: Home