Testing with common seller credentials
Description | Seller id (i.e. pmt_sellerid) | Secret key | Key generation (i.e. pmt_keygeneration) | Extranet login | Extranet password |
Web store using Buyer’s Assistant |
Web store using Seller’s refund tools |
Please note that when using these common seller credentials, your test data is publicly available to everyone using the same common seller credentials. We advise you to make sure that the data you use is appropriate. Also, we will perform housekeeping from time to time so please remember that your test data is not stored in our system indefinitely. If in doubt, or you know you will have special requirements, please use individual seller credentials.
Buyer’s Assistant is a service provided by Svea Payments, where Svea offers the buyer an online service called Buyer’s Assistant. In the service, the buyer can report returns or reclamations, and track the delivery of their order. When Buyer’s Assistant is in use, Svea also communicates with the buyer by sending email notifications to the buyer relating to the order, the delivery of the order, and any changes made to the order. You can read more about Buyer’s Assistant here (in Finnish). Buyer’s Assistant is not in use by default.
Seller’s refund tools refers to the tools that Svea Payments offers to web stores for making refunds to buyers. These tools do not require the use of Buyer’s Assistant. For what time period and for which payment methods the refund tools are in use, depends on the service model. You can read more about making refunds here (in Finnish).
Testing with individual seller credentials
Obtaining individual credentials from Svea Payments
Individual test credentials are granted without any separate agreement. Just fill in the subscription form at https://test1.maksuturva.fi/MerchantSubscriptionBeginning.pmt and wait for Svea’s customer service to activate them.
Please use a working email address as the seller’s main contact person’s email address since Extranet user is created for that email address. The API test credentials (seller id etc.) are obtained from Extranet.
You can use the bank account number FI27 1234 5612 3456 73
when subscribing the test service. Signing the test subscription form is not necessary.
Payment method instructions
No Credentials needed
Payer can choose whether a successful or unsuccessful payment is simulated.
Danske Bank
Oma Säästöpankki
POP Pankki
Käyttäjätunnus: 12345678
Salasana: 123456
Turvaluku: 1234
Turvaluku 2: 1234
Credit Cards
Test card numbers and additional information can be found on Payment Highway’s website.
Invoices ( incl. B2B ) and Part Payments
Invoices and Part Payments requires authentication of buyer’s test credentials for desired outcome of the credit decision ( approved, declined ).
You can find credentials for test mode following the link: https://developer.signicat.com/enterprise/identity-methods/ftn/#test-users ( NOTE! Banks with test user 11111111 will result in invalid PIN, use 2222222 for valid PIN. )
Example of test credentials for use cases
Test credentials | Result |
Nordea → DEMOUSER1 ( = 010200A9618 ) | Payment successful ( approved credit decision ) |
Handelsbanken Nordea → 11111111 + 123456 DEMOUSER2 ( = 010100A001N 291292-918R ) | Payment unsuccessful ( the authentication process returns invalid personal ID declined credit decision ) |
Additionally with Svea B2B invoice
Depending on the desired outcome, please us corresponding business identity code.
Finnish Business Identity Code | Billing address | Result |
| Testitie 1 | Payment successful |
… or any other valid BIC | Testitie 1 | Payment unsuccessful |